Fostering strong and healthy groups, building rural leadership,  
defending human dignity and advancing democracy for all  


In this critical year for democracy, ROP and rural human dignity groups continue to lead in confronting antidemocratic violence. Extremist groups are testing strategies in rural communities, even as some of their leaders face jail time for the January 6th, 2021 insurrection. We are challenging narratives that promote fear and division by organizing for dignity and inclusion for all. Oregon public schools and libraries received more complaints against books and materials this year than ever before. Rural students and their allies built power in 27 counties by advocating for inclusive curricula, welcoming hallway culture and gender-free bathrooms. Organizers in Redmond entered a banned books float in the 4th of July parade to joyfully resist. After the mayors of Newport and Baker City each made anti-queer and racist remarks, local organizers successfully won their resignations. The Tillamook Democracy Project hosted its Campaign School for the third time to identify, recruit and work with pro-democracy community members to run for non-partisan local offices. They distributed voter pamphlets with the local newspaper to ensure easy access to information about candidates who would advocate for human dignity and welcoming communities.